A German manufacturing giant such as Grohe, which is owned by one of the world’s largest building products businesses – Lixil of Japan, you would hardly believe that they need a business like AET Group, “who after all are a trading business, not a manufacturer”, however, these businesses are so large and so diverse that small regional needs for niche products arise, and it is to businesses like ours that they turn to provide them with a solution. In this case, Grohe needs a product for the UK market that is totally unique for that market. AET already supplies these products (actually components) to several other UK businesses, therefore has proven quality control, competitive pricing and a consistent supply chain for the products required.
The relationship between AET and Grohe goes back as far as 2009 when in partnership with Joyou a large Chinese Manufacturer we developed and built the first range of Boiling Water Products for launch at ISH in 2010